"Hey, are you the one who put the purse in JK's bag?" I whispered
"Meet me after school behind the toilet, and we'll talk," she whispered back. Behind the toilet? Like seriously? Of all the places in the school, she couldn't think of any better place but behind the toilet? My goodness, the girl was full of shit. I could see from her face that she was up to a mischief. I felt very uneasy. My friends were keeping long outside. I didn't know exactly what was happening. Were they beating JK or doing something else to him? I decided to go out and check on them, but my 'CID' mate was still insisting I remained in the classroom.
While I was trying to explain to her why I needed to go out, my friends entered the classroom. I could see disappointment and frustration written boldly on their faces. I thought they were disappointed I couldn't join them, but that wasn't the issue. They explained that as soon as they got outside, ready to pounce on JK and devour him, a teacher appeared from nowhere and called them. The teacher asked what they were doing outside, but they couldn't give a tangible reason so he punished them by making them kneel down for some time. I felt sorry for my friends, but at the same time, I was happy my 'CID' mate prevented me from going out.
During the second break, I called my partners in crime for a short meeting. I told them about the meeting the girl had arranged with me behind the toilet. It sounded funny and awkward to them, but they advised me to meet her and listen to what she had to say. We dispersed after the meeting. When I was returning to the classroom, I met JK with his mum going to the headmaster's office. I felt sorry for him. It was the first time I was seeing his mum. I went inside the classroom and sat there quietly thinking about Lucy, JK's woes and most importantly, the 'CID' mate. Who told her about the plan? Why did she do what she did? Could there be an ulterior motive? I waited anxiously for the closing bell to go, so that I could meet the girl.
When the bell finally went, we were all asked to meet at the assembly ground. I knew definitely that someone was in trouble. I, together with my friends, went to the assembly ground knowing very well that our "efforts" would finally be rewarded. I knew JK would be sacked from the school. I was praying hard for that to happen. Almost all the students knew why we had been called. We all waited for the headmaster. When he finally came, he was joined by JK, and three teachers. JK was weeping. His mum was still at the headmaster's office. The headmaster made it brief without boring us with any long speech. "I hope you have all heard the news," he started, "one student reported this morning that her purse containing money was missen. A search was conducted and the lost purse was found in JK's bag. He has denied ever doing that. Well, I must confess I believed him, but since the purse was found in his bag, and we don't know who put it in, we assume that he took it. Now, a decision has been taken, and that's, since it is his first time, we will warn him and suspend him for a week," he ended his speech and climbed upstairs with JK and the other teachers.
I was so disappointed he wasn't sacked. Most of the students decided to wait behind and hoot at JK. I would have loved to join them but there was a more pressing issue that needed urgent attention. I told my friends to wait for me in our classroom while I went behind the toilet to meet the girl. I never liked the idea of meeting a girl after school had closed. The last time I arranged a meeting with a girl after school, I ended up in the headmaster's office. I got to our place of meeting and the girl was already there. She scolded me for keeping her waiting for so long. I apologized and asked why of all places in the school, she asked me to meet her behind a toilet. "Do you know why? Because you are in a deep shit," she replied me. " Now, before we start, kiss me," she added.
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